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Sense of


Having a sense of purpose, something that feels important or worth accomplishing, seems to help with health and mood. Jobs where there is little control over tasks or room for input about the tasks may increase risk of work burnout more than similar jobs that include some room for personal control or input - autonomy.


Helping others can increase positive feelings and improve physical health, and focusing on gratitude may also have a positive effect on mood. Growing houseplants is caregiving for living things which can also be improving your indoor air quality. Propagating tropical houseplants can also be easy and become a nice gift of better air quality for other people too - give away the plants and maybe offer to water them at intermittent visits too, if the person doesn't feel up to caring for the plant and might like a visit too!

  • Happy houseplants - for cleaner indoor air and maybe better mental and physical health. 1989 NASA study showed us how great many plants can be for clearing volatile chemicals from the air. (deNutrients.Substack)


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Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

Planet Earth or Planet Oceana?

The majority of the planet is covered in water. Technology and our daily actions can help us protect it.

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