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Graphic design includes the business logo and also the visual impression given through colors, text fonts, and images. Consistent brand colors and style of text and images helps make a company memorable to loyal customers or seem reliable for potential customers. The consumers who may be within the target markets for your product or service may be attracted by a more modern or a more traditional style. Learning more about the interests of the target market and industry competitors can help identify styles that may attract the type of customer likely to purchase from your company. 


Teams with both content marketers and graphic designers or hiring people skilled in both areas can streamline the design process as many types of advertising or content includes some graphic design and some text. Software and website development adds more skill levels while still requiring image and text capability. Consistent branding across all types of media can help make a company more familiar with consumers or other industry contacts. Consistent placement and type of information or images can also give a sense of comfort and familiarity for a site visitor or customer.


Legal consultation may also be helpful when designing logos or business names as trademark rights may not be available for the design if it is already within use within your industry. Better to find out if you can use a phrase or image before developing the idea further or producing materials that can not be used or sold. 


For more information:

  • Areas of Design Practice, AIGA, the Professional Association for Design,

  • Regarding educating yourself on legal issues, this is a helpful course, 10-modules: Making Successful Decisions through the Strategy, Law & Ethics Model, Coursera/U of M,

  • provides a variety of graphic design services and prinitng is coordinated with Vista Print from the Canva worktop. Video presentations can be recorded with the Premium service and custom resizing of designs and free access to Premium stock photos and clip art is available with subscription ~ $120/year for an individual. Free services are available and team pricing,


Nothing on your calendar yet?

​I've added fun activities for adults and children to aa 2025 Special Day Calendar with scenic photos that I have taken. It can be downloaded for digital viewing or to print as an 8 1/2 by 11 Landscape spiral bound wall calendar.

  • See the Blog Post "Coloring Pages for Adults and All Ages" for links to the 2025 calendar zip file. Or click the button below for a page with the 12 months of images viewable online. 


Eat Plants!  Graphic design example: a Plant Polyphenol Poster with food sources and types of polyphenols. â€‹This is a poster-shaped Nutrition Education graphic of my production is available for download for a free educational resource for home or office.

  • Have the PNG file printed in 3 x4 ratio: Small - 12 x 16; Medium - 18 x 24 *this is the size of a kitchen cupboard door; or Large - 21 x 24.

  • Plant Polyphenols - Eat Plants! (sync) Click the button below to view the Plant Polyphenol poster on this site.


Planet Earth or Planet Oceana?

The majority of the planet is covered in water. Technology and our daily actions can help us protect it.

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